Boston is a city known for its history, sports, and strong accents. If you’re attending a wedding and you’re not sure if the bride is from Beantown, here are some tell-tale signs to look out for:
The accent
Boston brides are proud of their accents and will never shy away from letting their “r’s” roll. So, if you hear phrases like “pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd,” you know you’re in the presence of a true Bostonian.
Boston brides are fiercely patriotic and love their city. So, if the bride has a “Boston Strong” tattoo, or if the wedding colors are red, white, and blue, you can bet she’s from Beantown.
Sports obsession
Boston is a sports town, and Boston brides are no exception. If the bride is wearing a Red Sox or Celtics jersey under her wedding dress or doing the Tom Brady touchdown dance, it’s a sure sign that she’s from Boston.
Clam chowder
Boston brides love their clam chowder, and if the wedding menu includes this New England classic, you know you’re in the presence of a true Bostonian.
Dunkin’ Donuts
No Bostonian can survive without their daily dose of Dunkin’, and Boston brides are no exception. If the bride is sipping a Dunkin’ iced coffee or munching on a glazed donut, you can bet she’s from Beantown.
If the bride uses words like “wicked” and “fahkin'” in her wedding vows, you know she’s from Boston.
The “F” word
Boston brides are known for their strong language, and if you hear the “F” word in the wedding toast, you can bet she’s from Boston.
In conclusion, if you attend a wedding and see these signs, you can be sure that the bride is from Boston. Whether she’s proudly wearing her accent, showing her love for sports, or indulging in her favorite foods, Boston brides are a unique breed, and their weddings are always a good time.